School's starting back up within the week... I don't think I had nearly the vacation I needed to wash the stench of the classrooms off of me, and now they throw me back into all of it. So. Not. Fair. Everyone else seems to have another week or two untilthey have to go back, but I guess us, with no natural disasters or understanding school administrators get the short end of the stick, up our asses XD.
Ugh, well now i must scramble to finish the obscene amount of homework that I had MAILED to my house AFTER school ended... very terribly wrong.
Wish me luck...
hahaha. typical kid that doesn't want to go back to school. I remember when i was like that. But its over now. I go to school because i want to. If you stay in college u'll see that its a lot funner there.
You'll do fine. Good luck.
Nah, despite what I say, I do enjoy going to school. I just wish that my summer could've lasted a bit longer since i barely got a full 2 months off.